Software Change Log
The latest software is available for download here.
The version history for the LI-7200/RS and LI-7500A/RS software lists bug fixes and new features added to the desktop and embedded instrument software. Compatible embedded and Windows software versions are together.
Embedded v8.9.0 and Windows v8.9.2 (Current version; January, 2022)
- Added leading 0 to sub-zero parameters in RS-232 output combo box.
- Removed the settings in the connect screen for RS-232: 5.0, 10.0, 20.0 Hz.
- Added warning to RS-232 Screen on Outputs section.
- Added logic to not display the sonic file inconsistency check.
- Added check to highlight incompatible logging configuration (Continuous above 2 Hz) and procedural steps outlining how to resolve it.
- Added logic to display error dialog only once when path is blocked or loose cable is detected.
- Removed check for sonic file name consistency.
Embedded v8.9.0 and Windows v8.9.0 (May, 2021)
Embedded LI-7550 Firmware v8.9.0:
- Restructured RS-485 communications to address inconsistencies when heated intake tube is added and removed from the system.
- Corrected missing data tags for Seconds and Nanoseconds.
- Output seconds and nanoseconds over the Ethernet connection for diagnosing clock issues in WinGHG.
- Fixed a bug in biomet data handling to improve stability.
- Added the string "-li7700" to the methane DATASTAT file names.
- Added the sanitized GHG configuration file to the .ghg zipped file bundle.
- Store raw and results files into YYYY/MM subdirectories instead of one big directory to improve performance when the number of files grows large.
- Recurse the new subdirectories when cleaning up old files when the disk fills up.
Windows Interface Software v8.9.0:
- Added sonic file name display to diagnostics page when sonic file is flagged as bad.
- Added the date of the file if it is flagged as > 33 minutes between files.
- Added logic to confirm that SiteSetup/SonicAnemometer/Height value is greater than zero.
- Added warning notification to diagnostics page to indicate if the USB drive is not mounted.
- Added Status server support to display SF2/3 MAC address when the device is behind a modem.
- Addressed issue of false positive readings on the main page caused by not filtering out the co2_raw_data_folder content check when the system is not a DS system.
- Addressed issue with file split behavior also giving a false error for the correct setting.
- Addressed issue with autodownloader app not resetting ICOS file count value when the connection was refreshed.
- Added comprehensive logic to disable Diagnostics > SmartFlux and Diagnostics > Advanced tabs when not connected via Ethernet.
- Added additional call in the Connect section to for more robust URL resolution.
- Added ICOS count to upper right panel of autodownloader program.
- Addressed inconsistent connection mechanism when double-clicking on an instrument name instead vs. clicking the connect button on the connect dialog.
- Added a simple filter on the main form to hold the final status indicator at Assessing... until all of the elements have been processed.
- Adjusted connect dialog:
- Replaced Use LI-7550 IP Address... with Modem Connection (SmartFlux 2 only).
- Replaced NF with DIRECT in IP address history line.
- Replaced F with MODEM.
- Removed Continuous file split option on USB log rates of 5 Hz and above.
- Restored missing colored version compatibility indicators on the initial connect screen.
- Permanently enabled the Reboot button on the Settings/Network dialog to allow a machine to be rebooted anytime regardless of logging state.
- Adjusted the file split combobox to only allow 30 minute file splits if logging at 5 Hz or greater.
- Added some minor connection logic to handle an edge case in which an instrument behind a modem may report a different IP address than the forward facing one used to connect to it.
- Added a port field for the SmartFlux Status server and a checkbox indicating whether the application should assume that the SmartFlux 2 or 3 has been port forwarded or not.
- Refactored the status_server socket connections to use a single socket between the main form and the diagnostics form and to maintain the connection once established rather than reestablishing the connection each time through the timed loop. It should stabilize the connection between the win-GHG app and the SF2/3 unit and make the application more responsive.
- Expanded the destination box configured WinSCP to target the destination directory when launched added ICOS checkbox selection to the scheduled download option.
- Added two new buttons: Erase onboard data, and Format USB drive.
- Implemented new modal dialog for the factory reset, adding a timed wait period of 15 seconds before the proceed button is enabled, and also added a blinking message indicating the severity of the action.
- Updated the downloader app, splitting the lower panel into two with an immediate workflow and a scheduled workflow.
- Implemented logic on the diagnostics page to hide info on the FluxSuite and Data Repository sections if one or the other is disabled.
- Revised the downloader app to address excessive information retrieval times.
- Adjusted formatting on diagnostics page.
- Improved layout of Connect screen.
- Added a feature where setting USB output to 20 Hz automatically sets the Bandwidth to 10. Setting USB output to 10 Hz automatically sets the Bandwidth to 5. All other output settings will have no affect.
- Added a reboot command and a factory reset command to the SmartFlux 2 and 3 status server.
- Removed the reboot SF button from the SmartFlux dialog. If the node-windmill interface is frozen, it would not work anyway. Putting it in the status server means that it will always work.
- Migrated a digest version of the contents of the SF2/3 Diagnostics page to the main page. This will have the following impacts:
- While on the main page, the status server will be contacted every 15 seconds
- When transitioning from the main page to the diagnostics, the main page timer will be suspended until the diagnostics page is closed. As such, it can take up to 15 seconds to redisplay the message on the main page.
- If anything at all is amiss, it will show that there are issues and recommend the user check the system diagnostics page.
- Added a ability to store up to 5 additional IP addresses on the connect screen.
- Reworked the downloader app to use WinSCP for file transfers.
- Updated embedded help files available through the desktop application.
Embedded v8.8.32 and Windows v8.8.36 (November, 2020)
Windows v8.8.36:
- Added system diagnostics window. Under Diagnostics > SmartFlux System, a new tab displays a summary of system performance and configuration information. Must be used with SmartFlux 2/3 Embedded firmware version 2.2.50. Diagnostics are transferred via a socket call on port 5050.
- Restored the second Y-axis options removed in 8.8.35. Disabled 2nd Y-axis options when opened from the dashboard. 2nd Y-axis options enabled from the chart window.
- Restored the integration functionality in the interface.
- Configured Diagnostics communication to look up the SmartFlux 3 via IP address rather than name.
- Added model checks for CR1000 and CR3000 to code to correctly identify a CSI logger.
- Improved PC Logging from win-GHG software.
Embedded v8.8.32 and Windows v8.8.35 (August, 2020)
Windows v8.8.35:
- Remove second-Y axis options from the chart controls
- Added MDNS lookup of SmartFlux 2 or 3 System MAC address and display it on the smartflux tab when a SmartFlux is connected. Note this will not work over a multi-cast network
- Changed label on diagnostics panel to read GHG Embedded rather than SmartFlux 3 Embedded
- Added IPv6 support. You can enter an ipV6 address and the application will use it to connect to the instrument rather than going through Bonjour. Flowed the changes through to the File Download utility.
Embedded v8.8.32 and Windows v8.8.34 (May, 2020)
Embedded v8.8.32 changes:
- Fixes an issue that prevented the LI-7550 from reconnecting with the LI-7700 after the LI-7700 was rebooted without rebooting the LI-7550.
Embedded v8.8.31 and Windows v8.8.34 (December, 2019)
Embedded v8.8.31:
- Fixed an issue with the DAqM connection getting stuck in the WAITING state. The problem would occur anytime a disconnect and then connect was attempted.
- Addressed error in main application that caused it to fail when IPv6 was enabled on the supporting network
- Fix a bug in the SmartFlux connection when on a IPv6 network that prevented the LI-7550 from talking with the SmartFlux.
- Added a connection timer to the DAqM biomet communications to reconnect if the connection drops because of SmartFlux sudden power off or cycle.
Windows v8.8.34:
- Adjusted biomet page and broke apart the conjoined DAqM/Sutron instrument list into two separate lists by adding a separate DaqM selector radio button
- Augmented instrument name field to restrict it to Alphanumeric (i.e., A-Z, a-z, 0-9) along with '-', and '.' only.
- Augmented error message on parse errors. Now asks user to confirm that they are using compatible software versions between windows and embedded.
- Corrected the biomet page to correctly set the DAqM/Sutron and CSI biomet radio buttons depending on what is connected. If nothing is connected, it will default to a DAqM setting.
- Corrected Calibration page such that it displays the correct page content when the dialog is initially opened
- Corrected Calibration page such that it will now only accept valid floating point values in any of the manual calibration fields.
- Added logic to remove whitespace from the sonic serial number and sonic software version fields to keep embedded firmware from disconnecting
Embedded v8.8.28 and Windows v8.8.32 (June, 2019)
New features:
- Added support for LI-COR Data Acquisition System.
- Added support for StarDot PhenoCam.
- Improved performance with CR6 when JSON file is missing data values.
Embedded v8.8.15 and Windows v8.8.19 (May, 2018)
- Fix incorrect headers for LI-7700 methane data.
- Fix configuration issues from GHG Windows software when setting up a LI-7700 methane analyzer.
- Fixed issue to ensure LI-7700 doesn't show up in metadata file when a methane analyzer isn't present.
- Remove 15 second connection watchdog timer that sometimes triggered at the wrong time and disconnected from the LI-7700 methane analyzer.
- Revamped code that logs LI-7700 methane data with CO2 data in order to prevent missing LI-7700 data.
- Revised connection check to ensure that app would not flag embedded 8.8.x as being incompatible.
- Addressed shortcoming in software where whitespace in either the sonic serial number or software version is not accepted by the embedded application. Whitespace is now stripped out.
- Adjusted front display to eliminate the sonic line vanishing on a smartflux connection error.
- Adjusted SmartFlux connection error to be less spurious. Now should be more stable.
- Removed zip checkbox from USB logging dialog. Now it will zip always eddy covariance files unless continuous logging mode is selected for the split interval. Then it will not zip.
- Revised main.cpp and adjusted text title to accomplish the following: a. If connected to a "DS" title will be 7500DS; b. If connected to a 7500A/RS, title will be 7500A/RS; c. If connected to a 7200 title will be 7200/RS.
- Revised Site-Setup dialog to re-purpose the analog sonic radio button to become a "No Anemometer Attached" radio button when a DS system is detected. This allows the user to deselect a sonic altogether from a DS system. As such, the configuration file will be set to "none" when this option is selected.
- Adjusted the calibration dialog behavior to disable the CO2/H2O Span value text boxes from updating their values after a span or span 2 operation has been initiated. Now, the boxes will simply retain the value that the user entered before pressing the span button.
- Added a check in the Biomet dialog that will eliminate the spurious error message indicating that the user should select a 9120 from the list when that has already been done.
- Adjusted the Data repository dialog to turn the ICOS CSV option into a check box rather than a radio button and to make all of the check boxes a simple OR relationship rather than an Exclusive OR between the top three and the ICOS CSV.
- Partially decoupled sonic anemometer connection failure from SmartFlux connection failure.
- Altered the sonic connection state displayed on the main page to display current state during the connection process, and display the configuration only after a successful connection.
- Turned the last run label field into a click-able link that will allow the user to download the output file of the last run, if the instrument (SmartFlux) has an IPv4 address. If it has an IPv6 address, the link is disabled.
- Re-enabled the editable hostname field under settings/network. Now the user is able to change the name of the SF3 instrument if so desired.
- Added a serial number label field to the SmartFlux dialog. Users can change the name on an SF3 but they cannot change the serial number.
- Added "OK (##)" for Signal Strength on diagnostic page.
- Added DSI Number/Name to main status page when connected to DSI. Also Added Head Serial number to DSI Connection page.
- Chart setting will now "stick" and be remembered the next time the app launches.
- All modal windows will return to normal state if minimized and the main form button that created them is pressed again.
- 7x00 button now updates sub-menu correctly when switching between DS to RS instruments.
- Corrected disconnect when verbose mode is deselected. Added 3 second delay to ensure Ethernet synchronization.
- Corrected calibration page displaying signal strength on zero tab at initial start up.
- Corrected handling of model number. SF3 now appears as model SF3.
- Revised help files and added a DS-specific help files.
- Test points tab on the Diagnostics dialog will only appear if an RS machine is attached. They will not appear if a DS machine is attached.
- Title of Settings dialog was revised from "Status" to "Settings."
- Added close button to DS connect dialog.
Windows v8.8.13 (November, 2017)
- Layout of dialogs and ribbon buttons now support display setting of 100% and 125%.
- Corrected disabled custom file upload field. Should be enabled when the CSV check box is selected.
Embedded v8.7.5 and Windows v8.7.5 (October, 2017)
- Disable settings when logging
- Added new help files
- Added LI-8100 integration tab
- Added Phenocam (CC5MPX) integration tab
- Enhanced error reporting when anemometer does not output data or becomes disconnected
- Added timeout to spin icon when graph is loading
- Added IPv6 to SmartFlux 2 selection
- Display sonic state changes on SmartFlux dialog
- Added warning for chopper temperature setting
- Improved status messages from SmartFlux to 7550
- Added the ability to push data to a remote server: FTP, SFTP, HTTP, DropBox
- Removed the ability to log a separate 1⁄2 hour summary file.
- Added new biomet metadata variables.
- Improved LI-7700 data alignment
- Removed CSAT3B from list of analog sonics
- Fixed refresh while editing on anemometer tab in site setup
- Fixed Flow Module detection if flow system starts after the LI-7550
- Fixed quoted NaN issue with CSI loggers
Embedded v8.5.0 and Windows v8.5.0
- Updated main window layout
- Added last run file name (indirectly get time)
- Added digital sonic variable readouts
- Added capability to change between analog and digital sonics
- Added support for SmartFlux 2, CR1000, CR3000 and CR6 loggers
- Biomet data now viewed in biomet dialog, not site setup
- Auto-refresh of data
- Fixed missing ) on ACK messages
- Added a queue (3 hours) to process data files if SF2 connection fails
- Assorted bug fixes
Embedded v8.0.0 and Windows v8.0.0
- New DSP code
- Separate bandwidth settings for analog inputs and gas channels
- No signal averaging in ARM code
- Detection of new RS instruments
- Additional calibration coefficients
- Added sonic software version entry
- Added chopper temp logging
- Removed RM Young wref field in metadata
Embedded v7.5.0 and Windows v7.5.0 (October, 2014)
- Support for Heated Intake Tube (LI-7200 only)
- Main Window is now resizable
- Added support for FluxSuite cloud
- Can view biomet values
- Added serial number entry for sonics
- Added intake tube power and Vin to logging
- Save flow module setting in config file
- Added update interval to update FluxSuite
- Display EddyPro run status on main window
- Added h, v, r position notation support for biomet
- Fixed timeout when saving config files
- Fixed time zone on results graph to show instrument zone
- Fixed processing status update when number of runs = 0 on SmartFlux
- Fixed double tab bug in biomet files
Embedded v7.3.1 and Windows v7.3.1 (October, 2014)
- Corrected a bug introduced in version 7.3.0 that broke RS-232 communication
Embedded v7.3.0 and Windows v7.3.0 (October, 2014)
- Added voltage in (Vin) to log list
- Boot-loader on LI-7550 updated to correct timing issue
- Updates to SmartFlux System database
- Fixed use of Biomet flags in Express SmartFlux setup
- Improved network communications stability
Embedded v7.0.4 and Windows v7.0.4
- Support for Flux Suite software
- Graphing improvements
Embedded v7.0.1 and Windows v7.0.1 (December, 2013)
- Support for the SmartFlux System:
- Voltage in on diagnostics
- Auto GPS coordinates in site setup
- Graphing of flux results
- Flux results on USB drive
- Reorganized interface to simplify .ghg logging setup
- View LI-7700s that are on the remote network
- Added CO2 densities
- New down-loader and integration into setup application
- New software help
Embedded v6.5.5 (November, 2013)
- Continues to log LI-7700 data when time synchronization is lost
- Improved synchronization routine
- Improved access time on USB drive
Embedded v6.5.1
- Fixed signal strength roll over in diagval when signal strength goes above 100
Embedded v6.5.0 and Windows v6.5.0
- Replaced AGC with signal strength
- Embedded software update enhancements
- Support password-less login with licor username
Embedded v6.0.0 and Windows v6.0.0
- Include biomet data into .ghg file
- Select biomet station to connect to
- Autosync 9210 time with 7550
- Reworked logging in UI – Site Setup
- Improved AGC computation
- Added RSSI (signal strength)
- Improved thermocouple error states for cell temperature: If one of the sensors fails, use the other for the average cell temperature
- Added seconds and nanoseconds as a mandatory log field
- Save firmware version in configuration file
- Added connection and status indicators and diagnostic warnings
- Improved aux input setup
- Save chopper housing setpoint in configuration file
- Fixed names of diagnostic fields in metadata file
- Multiple monitor status panel bug
- Fixed H2O calibration display offset
- Fixed installer user permission
Embedded v5.0.3 and Windows v5.0.1
- Corrected error in intake tube time lag for CO2 and H2O mixing ratio in metadata for .ghg file logging.
- DSP updated to version 4.1.1 to resolve spurious diagnostic flag in SDM
Embedded v5.0.0 and Windows v5.0.0
- Implemented .ghg file logging for EddyPro processing
- Added file compression of 4:1 or higher
- Added automated file transfer
Embedded v4.1.3 and Windows v4.0.3
- Added Precision Time Protocol (PTP) clock synchronization between LI-7200/LI-7500A and LI-7700
- Corrected potential networking issue with Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) on Windows XP
Embedded v4.1.2 and Windows v4.1.2
Embedded v4.1.1 and Windows v4.0.1